Friday, March 30, 2012

Intelligence and PR Services

Research also can actively shape their environment. To do so, pending the mechanisms of influence on the mass consciousness and the mechanisms of influence on the mind of the individual. And that starts directly from the intersection of competitive intelligence service function of PR. After all, public relations as a function of the company - it is also a way to change the reality and impact on people in the interests of business. It appears that competitive intelligence service PR and tagging on the same page and two together? Obviously not.

PR Services and CI companies do not compete but complement each other. About the same as a complementary surface ships and submarines in the fleet. PR services to the public, it is evident, can work with the public. PR office can communicate with the press and the authorities directly. In this publicity is its power, but also its weakness.

CI operates largely in secret, her communications with journalists, government officials, customers, companies, contractors, or competitors is usually through other people, or under (the law allows it, and ethics within a society).

Thus, competitive intelligence closer to all other structures of society committed to the so-called active measures "- based on the strategic actions and tactical deception, bluffing, manipulating public opinion, whose main task - in a controlled change in the attitude of the Working Group for the company.

Competitive intelligence at the expense of their skills, personal contacts and working methods could significantly increase the surface "part" of the company to change the information space, in the course of PR services.

There is another issue that I want to attract attention. This footage. Should it lead to the implementation of competitive intelligence staff functions in a PR company or need to hire them on the side?

Education experts active service PR methods of competitive intelligence takes two to five days, after which he was quite able to solve many common problems faced by companies in the context of public relations. However, in two to five days, it is impossible to prepare a universal expert. Therefore, in complex cases will still require the involvement of experts in outsourcing. True PR officer is trained in competitive intelligence, do not waste time on fruitless attempts to solve their own problems that "it is not too difficult." He is usually able to quickly understand what the issue was outside its capabilities.Just as important, he knows what an expert is needed to solve his problem.

As a rule, involve external experts is needed, when needed knowledge, relatively rare among people in business: for example, operational expertise and analytical experience in competitive non-market methods or experiences against criminal groups. Sometimes, as PR professionals is among the many people with education in the humanities, May you need counseling or direct involvement of technical experts.

Due to these sensitive questions, not only to attract outsourcing skills man, but his personal qualities - such as honesty, ability to secrecy, integrity, key "city staff" to select these people are professional associations of competitive intelligence professionals.

PR services and competitive intelligence companies do not compete but complement each other. About the same as a complementary surface ships and submarines in the fleet. PR services to the public, it is evident, can work with the public. PR office can communicate with the press and the authorities directly. In this publicity is its power, but also its weakness.

As practice shows, PR services companies quickly see the theory and practice of competitive intelligence and begin to independently use techniques honed competitive intelligence.

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